Board of Directors and General Manager
Ben Scott

Ben Scott
District #1
Represents Wyrulec on the Wyoming Rural Electric Association Board of Directors
Dewey Hageman

Dewey Hageman
District #2
Represents Wyrulec on the Mid-West Electric Consumers Board of Directors
Kenda Knudsen

Kenda Knudsen
District #3
Director on the Wyrulec Safety Operating Committee
Mark Knaub

Mark Knaub
District #4
Vice President
Represents Wyrulec on the Nebraska Rural Electric Association Board of Directors
Julie Kilty

Julie Kilty
District #5
Assistant Secretary
Represents Wyrulec on the Tri-State G&T Board of Directors, and on the Mid-West Electric Consumers Board of Directors
Ryan Schilreff

Ryan Schilreff
General Manager
District Map
Wyrulec Company’s service area spans from western Nebraska to eastern Wyoming. Composed of five districts within the Cooperative’s service territory, these districts represent a specific service area and house one board member seat per district. The business and affairs of the Cooperative are managed by the board of five directors, who exercise all of the powers of the Cooperative within the law, by the Certificate of Incorporation of the Cooperative, and by the By-Laws conferred upon and reserved to the members.
Annual Meeting
The Wyrulec Annual Meeting is scheduled for March 27, 2025. Districts #1 and #2 will be up for election. If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors, please contact our office for information about the bylaws and the Nominating Committee.
Click here to see an electric service territory map for the state of Wyoming.