How to Apply
The parent, legal guardian, or the student must receive power from the cooperative to be eligible. (Special cases of the above requirement are: parent is supplied residence on our service line as part of their pay. Applicant lives with grandparent or other family member on our service line.)
High school seniors or applicants wishing to continue their college education are eligible.
View Scholarship Eligibility Requirements
Click Here to download an application for the Wyrulec or Tri-State scholarships, or use the form to the right to submit online.
- Wyrulec Trade Scholarships: $1,500 each, (4) scholarships to be awarded.
- Wyrulec Scholastic Scholarships: $1,500 each, (4) scholarships to be awarded.
- Wyrulec Renewable Scholarship: $1,500, (1) scholarship to be awarded.
- Tri-State G&T Scholarship: $1,000, (1) scholarship to be awarded.
Click Here to download an application for the Basin Electric Power Cooperative Scholarship. This application cannot be completed online.
- Basin Electric Power Cooperative Scholarship: $1,000, (1) scholarship to be awarded.
Applications must be completed in full. Applications will not be considered unless all requested requirements are met.
A selection committee outside the company chooses the recipients.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS JANUARY 31, 2025. Applications will be accepted at the Wyrulec office until close at 4:00 pm, and accepted online through the end of the day (11:59 pm).
*Applications must be received by the deadline, not postmarked.
Scholarship Recipients

- Complete this application (attach additional sheets as necessary). Your name and address should be on all attachments.
- Enclose your most recent academic transcript from a high school, college, university, or trade school. *CURRENT COLLEGE FRESHMAN – Committee requires more than one semester of grades - please submit your high school transcript as well.
- Enclose a copy of your college entrance examination (ACT or SAT) scores.
- Enclose a statement outlining your career goals and employment history.
- Enclose at least one letter of reference from a teacher, counselor, coach, or employer.
- Document high school/college honors, and school or community activities.
- Answer the following essay question: Describe a mentor or role model who has influenced you and explain why.
- Enclose a photo of yourself as well as the photo credit (photographer's name). Scholarship recipient's photos will be published in the Wyrulec newsletter, and on the website and Facebook page.