Youth Tour
Electric Cooperative Youth Tour
The Youth Tour, coordinated by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), brings together nearly 1,500 students from 44 states. It's an opportunity for students to learn about electric cooperatives and experience how the American government system works. It's also a chance to meet other youth from rural America.
Both Youth Energy Camp and the Youth Tour of Washington, D.C., are paid for by electric co-ops. The cost for each Wyrulec student to attend Youth Energy Camp is paid out of the interest accumulated from Wyrulec's unclaimed capital credits account. The cost of the Youth Tour is paid either by the Wyoming Rural Electric Association, the Nebraska Rural Electric Association or, in some cases, by Wyrulec Company. When Wyrulec Company pays for the D.C. trip, these funds, too, are thanks to the interest earned from unclaimed capital credits.
Click for an application and a sample of the schedule. Applications are due by January 20, 2023.
Please note the following Covid guidelines: CDC guidelines for Covid will be followed while in Washington DC, as well as traveling to and from. If a student shows signs of Covid 19 while in Washington DC, they will be given a rapid test. If that test comes back positive, they will be taken to a clinic to have a regular test done. While waiting on results, the student will be quarantined at the hotel with a chaperone. If the test comes back positive, they will be quarantined until they are cleared for travel back to Wyoming. At no time will the students be left alone in the hotel; there will always be a chaperone with them. Parents will be contacted prior to and after testing. If a student's roommate tests positive, the roommate will be moved and the remaining roommates will be tested every day for the rest of the trip. If a student needs to be admitted to a hospital while in Washington DC, the parents will be contacted immediately and asked to fly out to be with their student.
The Wyoming Rural Electric Association is working closely with NRECA to make sure this is a safe and fun experience for all students.
For more information on the NRECA Youth Tour please visit: