Electrical Wiring Permits
It's important that members notify Wyrulec before any changes are made to their electric service. We require a state electrical permit whenever a member requests a new service, upgrade, or remodel that requires us to disconnect and restore power. We may energize a service in an emergency situation without proof that a permit has been obtained; however, the permit must be provided within 72 hours of the service being energized, or it will be subject to disconnection. These requirements have been established for the safety of both Wyrulec and our members.
These regulations are on file with the Wyoming Public Service Commission in Wyrulec Policy D-39R, and meet or exceed requirements in Wyoming State Statute 35-9-120(e) and the Nebraska State Electrical Acts 81-2124 and 81-2133.
Members are advised that they should only allow a licensed electrician to install or make any change, alteration, addition, or repair to any part of their service.
Wyoming permits are issued from the WY Dept of Fire Prevention & Electrical Safety. (307) 777-7288
Nebraska permits are issued from the NE State Electrical Division. (402) 471-3507.
Both websites can be accessed through the links to the right.